Does home staging help get a better price?

Friday 02 Oct 2020

As a property owner, it may be that your own furniture and belongings aren't quite right for the purposes of the sale, or that you don't have quite the right creative flair to make your property look good enough for sale. It may also be that you simply can't get to the property to prepare it for sale and home staging offers some solutions you may not have considered otherwise.  


Owners of investment properties may use home staging to add some colour and life to their listing and increase its sale potential. If the tenants have recently vacated an investment property, the emptiness can make it seem drab and uninteresting. Getting some basic furniture and decoration added can really showcase the property and its potential.


Home staging experts usually have an interior design background and an excellent little black book of connections. They can call in all the resources needed to makeover your property - from furniture rentals to florists, art dealers to gardeners. Existing furniture will be removed and styled rental items added, deemed to be inappropriate for the marketing campaign. The staging usually lasts for 4 to 6 weeks before the auction, allowing for professional photographs to be taken for online and print marketing. It also ensures that the house looks the same, if or when potential buyers view it in person, as it did when they saw it in the listing.


Given the current climate, virtual staging is also a good option for many sellers right now. It's faster and less expensive option than classic home staging and uses computer generated interiors that can change the look of the property completely. Adjustments can be as simple as paint colour, curtains and artificial views out of windows, to the virtual completion of renovations or construction and the decorating of empty properties with the finest of virtual furniture and art. 


Often sellers are concerned about what home staging costs are involved. Considering you will pay the consultant, the rental on the items and incidentals, it can become an expensive exercise. However, it can also make a huge difference to your listing and may be the only option right now for many.


Ask your agent for a recommendation or find home stagers, virtual staging or digital staging done by specialist companies online.