How to Manage your Wellbeing During a Time of Uncertainty

Tuesday 21 Apr 2020

Uncertainty. It’s an idea that seems to be ingrained in every part of our daily lives at the moment. With conditions changing on what is seemingly a daily basis, stress management is something that we should all be taking into consideration. Outlined below are some things to keep in mind, as we all strive to stay as happy and healthy as possible throughout this crisis.


Don’t forget, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. It’s important that we acknowledge that stopping to take a breath, take a short walk, or taking a moment to talk to a family member or friend will help keep us happy, healthy and productive. So, eliminate the stressors that you can and be mindful to…

• Get good sleep
• Watch your alcohol intake
• Take control of your environment – if the news/social media makes you anxious,
limit your exposure to that which is essential
• Talk to the people around you – share your feelings
• Be willing to compromise – bend a little to find the middle ground
• Practice gratitude – if stress is getting you down, reflect on the good things in your life




The COVID-19 environment will generate a range of stress responses. It’s important, especially when being confined to our homes, to check in with friends and family as often as possible to keep things positive. If yourself or those close to you require assistance, please get in contact with one or more of the following organisations:

Black Dog Institute
Beyond Blue – 1300 223 636
Life Line – 13 11 14
Blue Pages – Information on depression
Carers Australia – Support information for carers of parents, families, friends, etc.
Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800
SANE Australia – 1800 187 263
White Ribbon Australia – Access to a range of domestic violence related services

During this time, it’s important that we look out for one another, but not at the expense of looking out for ourselves in the process. Do your best to check up on yourself and monitor your wellbeing as often as you can, and work towards coming out the other side stronger than ever.


The following advice is of a general nature only and intended as a broad guide. The advice should not be regarded as legal, financial or real estate advice. You should make your own inquiries and obtain independent professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances before making any legal, financial or real estate decisions. Click here for full Terms of Use.