12 Things We've Learnt From Iso

Tuesday 05 May 2020

ISO. How have you dealt with it? Has it made you stronger? Has it made you miss what came before? We thought we’d share some of our collective observations about what we’ve learnt, and possibly gained, for better or worse, from our very own ISO experiences.


  1. 1. Not dining out each week. It can be done.

Sure, it was hard in week one, but you can actually survive without a corner seat in your nearest bistro. For some, navigating pots and pans and the contents of a refrigerator may have been a rude shock initially, but somehow we’ve all found a way, and plenty of us have become much healthier in our eating habits as a result.


  1. 2. Office productivity. It’s actually possible without an office.

Being away from an office has meant being away from hall-talk, desktop speaker music played too loud and other casual interruptions. Without this stream of distractions, it is amazing how focused and creative you can become. 


  1. 3. A garden. Who knew we all had one!

There’s been a resurgence in gardening, landscaping and planting veggies since ISO began Australia-wide. If you don’t believe us, just drive to your nearest Bunnings and see, they’re busier than ever. Having a garden, and tending to one, even if confined to your balcony, and experiencing that fresh air is something many of us have come to appreciate a whole lot more.



  1. 4. Tele-commuting beats regular commuting hands down.

We now realise even more that time is precious. In ISO, we’ve all been able to take a step back from our peak hour routine. This step back from a crowded car, train or bus travel does make you realise that sitting in traffic is too much time to waste. 


  1. 5. Taking breaks is better.

You can actually stop and break up your day, even if it’s just to briefly fuel up and get some nutrition. The world won’t end, and many of us are realising that being around our homes, that sitting at a desk from 8 am to 7 pm, is not a necessity. Particularly when there are so many worthwhile things around you to do.


  1. 6. Being disconnected from others, has connected all of us.

We’ve all been through this together, and for many it’s been a revelation. A time to realise that when you’re normally so busy and out socialising all the time, you’re not as connected as you might like to think. Being in ISO, without all that activity and stimulus from different social groups, it gives you the space to reassess not only what matters, but also who matters most, and reach out to them as a result (even if it is just for a cheeky quarantini on Zoom, or to tell Grandma about your day on Facetime).



  1. 7. Board games aren’t so 80s.

Once relegated to forgotten cupboards and rainy days, board games have made a real resurgence from what we hear. As a result, they’ve become highly sought after on eBay and Gumtree, as well as in the home. This trend has shown there is life beyond WiFi and Apps, and that solving puzzles, rolling dice and UNO are where it’s at. Now who did kill Colonel Mustard in the Ballroom? Cluedo players? Help us out here.


  1. 8. Teachers are angels that walk among us.

Pre-Covid, we all used to drop our little ones at the school gate and wave goodbye without a second thought. More recently, with home schooling, we’ve all come to realise what a responsibility it is. Teachers do impossible things that many that parents simply can’t. In truth, it’s fair to say they have superpowers. Powers that allow them to guide minds, but at the same time, be incredibly patient in ways others cannot!


  1. 9. Our pets used to need attention, not anymore!

Attend any park, or walk any pavement, and you’re likely not only to be knocked down by a man or woman in activewear, but also a squadron of dog walkers. Right now we seem to finally be giving our pets the love and attention they deserve, and it’s fantastic.



  1. 10. Humans will find ways to care and connect, no matter what.

A session with good friends can still be a roaring good time online, as it is face to face. Checking in with those that matter most, matters even more than before. When you really care, you’ll find ways to connect.


  1. 11. Remote working, does work.

Remote working, zoom meetings, project management tools, and other advances have meant workplace flexibility is not just a buzzword – it’s the new normal, and bosses as well as employees alike are more comfortable with it than ever before. The biggest change has seen bosses no longer hovering over shoulders to check on people all the time, (which is just as well because they’d cop a fine for breaking social distancing rules!). 


  1. 12. Gyms are missed, but exercising goes on.

Being in ISO has taught us to be less reliant on gym equipment. Fitness Apps have become popular, as have video gaming options that encourage movement. Yoga and pilates mats have found their way into loungerooms, and stairs as well as immediate local areas have become outlets for fitness and activity. Bike riding has also become unbelievably popular for families. Actually, we might jump on one right now.



We do hope you’ve come through your ISO experience ok, and that you’ve been able to learn more about yourself and others as a result, like we have. If only one thing comes out the other side of this, we’d like to hope that kindness, connectedness and community can conquer all. Stay safe, always. From the team at First National Real Estate.



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